French Police have Suspects in Custody in Kardashian Robbery

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French Police have Suspects in Custody in Kardashian Robbery

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00-holding-kim-kardashian-robbery French Police have revealed that they believe that they have captured all the suspects in the Kim Kardashian robbery from last October. The arrests of 17 alleged veteran armed robbers behind the multi-million dollar heist in Paris included 3 women and the rest were men. Kim’s attorney says that this latest update hopefully will help his client fund closure and end the trauma that she has been suffering since the robbery occurred.

The coordinated raids over the weekend rounded up the gang, including a ‘major thug’ in his 70s, two diamond dealers and lots of long rap sheets amongst the rest of the suspects. The French Police believe that they have captured the entire gang involved in the heist. They suspects were arrested in both Paris and the south of France. One of the suspects nicknamed ‘Mr Bigs’ has been partially identified as Pierre B., a ‘career villain’ living in Grasse, in the south of France. ‘Mr. Big’ is a 72-year-old who has made millions through counterfeit money in the past. The suspects can be held for up to 96 hours before being charged or released.

It has been found out that the French police were able to track the suspects down due to a DNA  that was found on a piece of tape used to gag Kim Kardashian during the robbery. After three months of checking the DNA sample against samples of numerous suspects, it was finally connected to a well-known criminal who had been involved in numerous armed robberies. He has not been named yet.

Kim’s attorney, Jean Veil, made this statement regarding the arrests, “I welcome this with great satisfaction.” He went on to say that, “These arrests are a nice surprise because on the one hand, it will perhaps make it possible to find the jewelry. On the other hand, it puts an end to the outrageous speculation by some, who thought it was intelligent to pretend that this robbery was staged, or a publicity stunt organized by Ms. Kardashian.”

We were torn on whether this was a publicity stunt at first but now we feel like it wasn’t. We hope that she can now start recovering from this traumatic incident.



Long time LA resident and celeb Gossip lover, Chloe has been writing professionally since graduating college. Following gossip sites with a passion made her want to write for CelebVoice so others can be on top of the latest entertainment news. She loves the city, shopping and her Corgi Harry.

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