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Ronda Rousey and the Disastrous AMA

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On August 20th, Ronda Rousey made a post to the popular professional wrestling subreddit, R/SquaredCircle, to bring attention to her latest project, her first graphic novel called EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED. She wrote that fans could ask her anything, otherwise known as an AMA, in the post. Fans did take the opportunity to ask questions but it didn’t go quite the way that Rousey expected and by that, we mean it was a total disaster.

She wrote in her post, “This is Ronda Rousey — I recently launched a Kickstarter for my first graphic novel called EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED with indie comics publisher AWA Studios. I’m really excited for this opportunity to talk about my writing and comics writing future, so ask away!” Fans took this as the go-ahead to publicly call out Rousey for her stance on the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook.

Rousey’s AMA post to R/SquaredCircle

Former UFC champion, Rousey is well-known for her skills in the octagon but she faced backlash when she publicly denied the occurrence of the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012. Despite overwhelming evidence and numerous witness accounts confirming the tragic incident, Rousey perpetuated conspiracy theories claiming that the event was a hoax orchestrated by the government to promote gun control measures. This denial not only displayed a lack of empathy towards the victims and their families but also fueled dangerous misinformation that had harmful consequences.

Reddit users have not forgotten her misguided and dangerous statements regarding one of the most tragic events in the nation’s history. All of the top comments on the post either requested an apology from her or criticized her for her dangerous rhetoric.

Reddit user OGJimmyP wrote, “In your graphic novel “EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED” Will we see something unexpected like you apologizing to or acknowledging the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook Massacre where 20 children were ruthlessly gunned down? Talk about EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED! Can’t wait to read the book!”

Reddit user AlexRain1 said, “Do you plan on firing your PR team for this dumpster fire, or will you use this as a sign that you have a lot of personal growth to do?”

In addition to Reddit users criticizing her remarks about Sandy Hook, others have also commented on Ronda Rousey’s tone-deaf approach to her graphic novel. Critics have pointed out that Rousey’s decision to seek funding through Kickstarter comes across as tactless and inappropriate. Reddit user Trydson wrote, “Kickstarter is for those lacking resources to fund their projects. Given your likely lucrative contracts with Hollywood, UFC, and WWE, why are you launching a Kickstarter? Also, why should everyday people support a campaign from someone who’s probably earned millions?”

Predictably, she chose not to respond to any of the most popular questions posed, resulting in the post being promptly locked. While she did address a few easier questions, her overall engagement was limited to approximately 30 responses.

Rousey has yet to make a comment about the disastrous attempt at an AMA.

Long time LA resident and celeb Gossip lover, Chloe has been writing professionally since graduating college. Following gossip sites with a passion made her want to write for CelebVoice so others can be on top of the latest entertainment news. She loves the city, shopping and her Corgi Harry.

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